Troy Pierce, Miro Pajic, Luigi Rossi - Interjú (Together in the dark)
Napjainkban, a technika adta lehetőségeknek köszönhetően, egyre könnyebb néhány loop-ot összerakni és eladni neten. Nem meglepő hát, hogy egyre komolyabb kihívás megtalálni az igazán jól összerakott zenéket, hiszen rengeteg a megjelenés, az elérhető muzsika. A Together in the dark célja, hogy segítesen az embereknek felfedezni és megtalálni sok kommersz és futószalagon gyártott között azt, amit eltakar a “zeneipar”. Február 6-án Luigi Rossi mellett 2 olyan művész áll az A38 DJ pultjába, akik évek óta aktívan teszik ezt! Troy Pierce, Miro Pajic és Luigi Rossi válaszolt pár kérdésünkre.

In an era where everybody can put a couple of loops together and sell it on a music platform on the internet to find a well done song or just the music you like is becoming a hard task because a big amount of music available and released. Together in the dark is aiming to help people explore the darkness, the unknown, what is outside the commercial stuff.
- Based on the intro above I would like to ask : Do you look for the new or are the new sounds find you easily? Troy Pierce: The internet is congested with a lot of audio pollution these days. That’s the best way to think about it. But there will always be an audience for interesting and creative music, that’s my hope anyway I am always searching for interesting music from new and old artists. It’s not easy these days but looking back I don’t think it was every “easy” to find cool music that fit my tastes. Miro Pajic: I think there is more underground music out there than you’ve put it. Loop based „commercial“ dance music is generally not on my radar. I rarely search but rather „bump into“ artists or labels which get my attention. I like to get surprised in that way instead of a nonstop hunt for what’s out there. Luigi Rossi: I normally search so much for music and many times it takes so long before I find something that is right for my taste. The nice thing is that there are still many good artists, so here we have “Together in the dark” mission: Create a platform where people can easily discover them, helping both sides, Artists and Music Lovers to find each other. Of course it regard just a precise style of music, but people who like this genre seems to love our Radio show and events. - Did your way of searching for sounds change recently? Troy: I wouldn’t say that it has changed, it seems to take much longer now and be far less rewarding. Miro: I think so. Since about 1-2 years I opened up a bit more. More artists and labels have got me interested. There is so much good stuff out there. Someone just needs to „find“ what suits his taste. Luigi: It didn’t changed so much, but yeah it takes more time than before. - What do you think about the recent direction of minimal and tech house? Troy: For my tastes I think there is more cool/dark music than in the past few years. Miro: These are very lose terms. There is Minimal and Minimal, Minus and Depp Tech records - Very different. I am personally bored since a long time by the classic synthetic, sterile Minimal and prefer the more organic one or a well done combination. Often the borders of genres are crossing and I often don’t know what I am actually playing or producing. There’s many groovy elements of house and tech house paired with whatever you’d like to call minimal (I guess „minimalistic music“). Same for Tech House: There’s a lot of Beatport Top 10 cheesy factory tracks but also many fantastic productions that could fit to that genre. Some of it is deeper and darker than many so called „dark“ producers. Luigi: Actually I still find what I like and I never give so much importance to the main trends and directions of styles and genres, I always choose what I like and not what is cool at the moment, but more important it have to impress me! it is not so easy to be on my dj set heheheh - You've played on Together in the dark event in Russia. Could you tell a few words about your experience? Troy: It was quite awesome! St. Petersburg is beautiful, the people where really nice and into the music which is always a plus. I had a fun time with Miro and Luigi as well so it was a perfect storm/hangover. Miro: Luigi did a great job. the party and club were both very nice and we had a very good time - and too much vodka! Luigi: hahahaha it was an amazing time, we started having fan from Berlin airport with Troy and Miro and it didn’t stop until we went back home! We laughed a lot we drunk a lot we played some good set and people were really great and happy! That’s why I wanted to recreate same atmosphere like, with a similar line up and I hope to bring same happiness and fun like we did in Russia. - You already played at Budapest. What were your experiences? Troy: Fun! I really liked the city and the parties were quite good. Luigi: I had great time! Seldon and Chryophase are really nice guys and amazing hosts! We went first going around this amazing city then had some really nice food and after in the club where I found a really amazing crowd!!!! - What are your plans for 2015? Troy: Drink more water, less alcohol. Find better ways to help more people. Miro: Make awesome releases, have fun, have success and be happy! Luigi: Well to be honest I have a big one! but I do prefer not to talk about until it have been realised. - Any message to the Budapest fans? Troy: "Give a hoot, don’t pollute." Miro: Let’s have fun together (in the dark) ;) Luigi: Thanks for your support! I’ll see you in our next event!A hozzászóláshoz be kell jelentkezned.